Agatha Christie’s latest ‘whodunnit’ play, ‘Towards Zero’ had 99½ per cent of its audience guessing right until the last scene at its first night performance at St James’s Theatre this week.  In the audience were the Marquess of Headfort and his sister, Lady Millicent Taylour, Sir Louis and Lady Sterling, actor Jack Buchanan, actresses Elizabeth Allen and Margaret Lockwood. Said Miss Christie: ‘I’m suffering agonies of first-night nerves.  I always do’.  The play was a great success. Picture shows:- Actress Margaret Lockwood joins authoress Agatha Christie for refreshment during an interval at the St James’s Theatre in London.

Time off from Agatha Christie’s Latest ‘Whodunnit’ – Margaret Lockwood

Date posted Date posted Margaret Lockwood, Agatha Christie Candid, Photograph 1213W x 921H

Agatha Christie’s latest ‘whodunnit’ play, ‘Towards Zero’ had 99½ per cent of its audience guessing right until the last scene at its first night performance at St James’s Theatre this week. In the audience were the Marquess of Headfort and his sister, Lady Millicent Taylour, Sir Louis and Lady Sterling, actor Jack Buchanan, actresses Elizabeth Allen and Margaret Lockwood. Said Miss Christie: ‘I’m suffering agonies of first-night nerves. I always do’. The play was a great success. Picture shows:- Actress Margaret Lockwood joins authoress Agatha Christie for refreshment during an interval at the St James’s Theatre in London.