Poster from from The Circle (1990) (1) at the Theatre Royal, Bath.  Features Stewart Granger Ian Carmichael and Serena Gordon

The Circle ()

Theatre Royal, Bath, 1990

A young married woman contemplates leaving her husband for another man, and seeks advice from an elderly peer and his partner, who eloped thirty years earlier

1 1 1 1 1
| Play | Comedy, Romance | Theatre Royal, Bath
| Stars: Stewart Granger, Ian Carmichael, Rosemary Harris
The Circle (1990) poster (1) | Theatre Royal, Bath | Stewart Granger
The Circle ()
A young married woman contemplates leaving her husband for another man, and seeks advice from an elderly peer and his partner, who eloped thirty years earlier.


Stewart Granger, famous British film star who later made his name in Hollywood, poses for a promotional photo in the mid-1940s
Clive Champion-Cheney
Ian Carmichael
Lord Porteus
Rosemary Harris
Lady Catherine Champion-Cheney
Gary Bond
Arnold Champion-Cheney
Serena Gordon
Hugh Sullivan
+ Show full cast (-4 more)


Poster from from The Circle (1990) (1) at the Theatre Royal, Bath.  Features Stewart Granger Ian Carmichael and Serena Gordon