Poster for Bedelia (1946) (4) featuring Margaret Lockwood. The author of Laura now brings to the screen the wickedest woman who ever loved! Beguiling… bewitching… bedevilling… Margaret Lockwood as Bedelia, who had more than her share of men, jewels and love – and wanted more, more more!

Bedelia (1946) poster (4) | Margaret lockwood

Date posted (updated 6th July, 2021) Date posted Margaret LockwoodFilm camera Bedelia (1946) Poster 1115W x 1499H

Poster for Bedelia (1946) (4) featuring Margaret Lockwood. The author of Laura now brings to the screen the wickedest woman who ever loved! Beguilingโ€ฆ bewitchingโ€ฆ bedevillingโ€ฆ Margaret Lockwood as Bedelia, who had more than her share of men, jewels and love โ€“ and wanted more, more more!